Recently, the ATRA International Board of Directors voted on raising the Golden Rule Warranty prices from $60.00 to $90.00 for cars and light trucks and from $70.00 to $100.00 for Class A & C Motorhomes or 80% of your retail rate in US Funds. All ATRA Golden Rule Warranty Pricing is determined by the ATRA Board of Directors and is restated in the Association By-Laws.
There is a new estimator sheet to assist you with the latest prices and rules. The Original Warrantor Shop must authorize the Estimator Worksheet within 24 hours, and payment must be made by credit card, bank draft, or check within five business days. ***The Repairing shop will be responsible for the transmission for 90 days following the completion of the repair. ***
All parts (including Fluid) should be priced to the fellow member at the repairer's actual cost multiplied by 1.25. Sales tax should be charged in accordance with the rates and regulations in the state in which the repair is being performed.
For any warranty repairs that involve towing, storage, rental cars, or other miscellaneous charges not associated with the repair itself, the fellow member must obtain prior approval before the work is done. It is also the responsibility of the member shop submitting the claim to provide proof of payment when requesting reimbursement.
ATRA strongly recommends that all members who sell warranty work obtain a signed copy of the customer's authorization for any and all repairs performed. This will help protect the member from liability or disputes over charges.
It is important to note that no ATRA Golden Rule Warranty Price includes labor time allowances for sublet services such as machine shop or welding, so those services should be calculated separately.
The Board of Directors also mandates that Golden Rule Warranty prices can only be offered by those rebuilder shops that are a part of ATRA and follow the ATRA Code of Ethics.
In order to be considered an ATRA qualified/certified remanufacturer, the minimum rebuilder standards as outlined within the Golden Rule section of ATRA membership must be adhered to. Members under supplier classification that mass remanufacture are eligible for this membership designation.